Saturday, November 9, 2019

NaBloPoMo - Day 9 - The 7th Monthiversary

It's still sitting in the freezer...
I can't bring myself to open it.
It's the last jar of salsa my mother made.

I love Momma's salsa.
And this time she made it at my house,
and I watched her make it.
Maybe I can make it myself...
Maybe one day I'll try.

Momma would make salsa while I was in med school,
and then I would carry the jars back to Wisconsin with me...
of course, this was before 9/11...
After 9/11, I would freeze the jars and super wrap them
to make sure they didn't break in my suitcase.

My best friend Jennifer from medical school would always get a jar...
Momma made one just for her.
I know I've mentioned in the past how in Hispanic
culture there's a saying that your emotion while cooking flavored your food.
We always joked about how if a salsa was particularly spicy the cook
must have been angry when they made it...
Jennifer would always jokingly tell me to piss my mom off
before she made the salsa...
Jennifer likes her salsa extra spicy.
Momma would pour my salsa into jars and then add a little more heat
to Jennifer's... she knew she loved her salsa too.

I don't know when I will open this last jar...
but, I do know that when I do it will be very special.
It'll be the last time I taste something she made
in her own special way...

I miss my Momma...


betty said...

Hugs to you. That is a special jar of salsa. I think you will know when it is the right time to open it. And I'm sure there will be tears that will flow when you do it. But I'm sure it will be delicious.


Lori said...

I am so very sorry. I'm sure you'll know when is the right time to open it, and aren't you so glad that you have it and that it was made in your kitchen, with you watching?

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