Friday, November 8, 2019

NaBloPoMo - Day 8 - Sunday Mornings

It's been a while since I've posted about my dogs...
Dixie and Dillon.
We've been going for the "Dog Walk" 
on Sunday mornings after breakfast...
The dogs look forward to it and are excited to jump
into the car and get going...

And going and going...
They love to run and they love playing in the water...

I can't get a lot pictures of them swimming because 
there's too much sand on my hands,
but they both love to do it...

Beach days lead to wet sloppy happy dogs...


betty said...

Definitely happy dogs!


Lori said...

I was actually wondering how your dogs were doing recently. I remember when you go them. And didn't you used to have goats?

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The Mid 40's are in the Books

For some reason I never got around to writing about traveling to National Parks numbers 44, 45 and now 46...! Back at the end of June...