Friday, April 19, 2019

Q is for Quiet

I think I've written multiple times before about how
we're superstitious in the ED and there are certain
words we don't use...
like slow...
or quiet...

Tonight is definitely not quiet...
It's a full moon Friday night and the crazies are out in force.
So I better get back to them...
someone must have said "quiet..."
I'm sure they did.


Red said...

I think there's a rule about not using those words - especially on a full moon!
Found you through AtoZ.
Doesn't Speak Klingon

betty said...

There is always that quiet before the storm.


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The Mid 40's are in the Books

For some reason I never got around to writing about traveling to National Parks numbers 44, 45 and now 46...! Back at the end of June...