Wednesday, July 6, 2011

myPod Shuffle #6 - Follow Me

Another song chosen mostly for its beat especially the opening guitar solo.  Released in January of 2001, I was in medical school, second year, having just finished the first semester and looking at the long slow climb that is the second semester.  Stress levels were high, people were thinking about the USMLE Board Exam later that summer with it being the last "free" summer before third and fourth year clinicals and then residency and then "real life."

The song is about trying to convince someone to have an affair, and doesn't come close to anything that was happening (or has happened) in my life at that time.  I was having a long distance relationship with my now DH, and med school left little time for any other extraneous activities.  So, this will be a short blog post mostly to comment that I liked the beat, theme of the song didn't matter so much, but a lot of people really liked and could relate to this song... do you?

1 comment:

betty said...

I like this song, Veronica; it has a catchy rhythm; perhaps the lyrics aren't the best, but this is one that gets stuck in your head, know what I mean? Wow, lots has happened in 10 years since this song! Finshed medical school, full fledged doctor, married, home owner, etc :)


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