Sunday, November 10, 2019

NaBloPoMo - Day 10 - Writer's Block

So I was going to be writing this month for the #WriterInMotion challenge.
The picture above was given for inspiration.
A first draft was due 11/08, but I didn't get a story done in that time...
In fact, I got about 4 paragraphs done and then I had nothing...

I had a number of thoughts about this picture...
I heard some interesting ideas during one group discussion that I participated in.
I thought I could totally write something original...
but the words aren't coming.

I thought maybe this post I would share my few paragraphs with you and see what you think...
Maybe I'll be inspired to keep writing and share that during the next round due in about a week...

Here goes... don't be afraid to be brutal... I've been a surgery intern... I can take it... 

Mariana ran as fast as she could through the darkened alleyway.  She stopped just before the cross street and leaned up against the wall catching her breath before daring to continue. Looking down at the flare she held in her hand she got a rush of confidence and took a deep breath before slowly glancing out to the street.

To her right, cars burned in the distance and the crowd seemed to have moved on. Looking to the left she saw an empty street made darker by several broken street lamps. Straight ahead, the unlit alley looked like a cave as it passed between several more of the downtown buildings. Mariana knew that to get to the fort she should go to the right, but she was trying to avoid the Civil Guards who were sweeping through the city herding everyone to the eastern end of town. She had a decision to make.

She crouched and eased onto the sidewalk and was about to take a step out onto the street to get a better view when to her left she heard a shout, “Hey you! Get over here!” She turned to see a couple of Civil Guards in their signature tan and red-trimmed uniforms holding automatic rifles heading toward her. Her decision was made for her. She quickly pulled the hood of her black shawl over her head and ran straight ahead into the darkness.

The expected gun shots never happened. Mariana dared initially to run right down the middle of the near pitch black alleyway hoping to avoid hitting or tripping over anything. God, it seemed to go on forever. She stopped when she finally started to be able to differentiate larger shapes in the gloom. She tucked behind a garbage bin trying to calm her breathing and listened for any sounds.

The night was strangely quiet given the activity happening now south and east of her. The flare gave her some comfort; almost like a totem that would carry her to safety. She wished she could light it to help guide her through the streets, but she needed it for later. For now, she had to continue on her mission.

Before moving again, she listened long and hard: no footsteps, no voices, no more gunshots. Mariana felt safe enough to leave her resting spot and continued on down the alleyway, now staying more along the walls and in the shadows of the increasing light from the next cross street. Once again she slowed down as she got closer to the end of the alley way and then slinked along the wall on her right before stopping to rest just before the intersection.


betty said...

I think you have a good start; it needs a little fine tuning but it seems to flow relatively well. I'd keep plugging through and see what else you are able to write.


Lori said...

I want to know what happens next to Marianna and what she is going to do with that flare!

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