So another NaBloPoMo is complete. I managed to get in my 30 posts for the month (cheated just a little). As I think over the time between last year's completion and this year's, it's amazing how much has changed. I didn't ever imagine I would be where I am now.

The Camino of Santiago which I wrote about earlier this month.
And, now this month comes to a close. I'll see about writing more often, and I hope you'll continue with me on this journey.
We'll see what the next 12 months hold...
I do hope you write more often! I do enjoy reading what you share. Congrats for completing this year's November challenge!
I am so excited for everyone's renewed interest in blogging, and hope we'll ALL keep it going! Best of luck to you on your upcoming adventure. 18 months goes by in a flash these days!
I managed to make 22 posts (cheating a little), and I'm happy enough with that. It is so much better than last year, and I think it has made my blog and reading others blog more of a habit than it had been in quite a while. I plant to post at least a few times a month and stay in touch with others and their blogs.
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