Sunday, July 27, 2014

MyPod Birthday Shuffle IV - Day 27 - Good to Be Alive

This song by Jason Gray about sums up the last week.
If you've been following my blog, you know that we've been
having a whirlwind trip through the National Parks of the
Pacific Northwest and had a several day stay in Big Sky, Montana.

Today we traveled through Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

I think I am on natural beauty overload.
I have seen so many things that are just so amazing
that they have brought tears to my eyes just at the sight.

I can't believe how lucky I have been to have
the opportunity to not only travel so far,
but to have done it safely with my husband and my dogs...
We've been very blessed this last week.

After we get home I'll put together a video of 
the over 1000 photos and videos we took...
That should be fun...

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