Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November Notes, Day 3

"Dreams of Fall"

Don't tell my husband, but I really miss living on the East Coast.  We were lucky enough to spend a long weekend in New England several days ago, and I just relished in the cold weather and the fall foliage.  I love, love, love crisp mornings, balmy afternoons, and chilly evenings.  I relish that expectancy that any moment it might start to snow.

I love the city, and the small towns.  I love traveling to the coast and smelling the sea.  Don't get me wrong, I love my little town on the Pacific coast, but there's nothing that beats lobster versus crab, deciduous trees versus evergreens, wicked good versus right on...

I think it's because growing up on the West Coast, I found everything I thought the seasons should be like on the East Coast.  Instead of rain, summer, fire season, rain, there was actually a snow, rain, summer, fall, snow weather pattern.  Just like those you read about or see in the movies.

Not to mention this weird fascination I had with Boston from the time I was about 7.  Had never been there, didn't know anybody from there, but I had a poster on my wall of the Boston skyline.  Then I actually got to live there for a year during my medical training, and I've been there several times since.  I love Boston, too.

Sigh, maybe one day I'll move back... but for now at least I can visit....!  And this last trip, I did manage to cross one more national park off my list... maybe more on that later this month...

1 comment:

Lori said...

That's something I really do like about where I live in "Kentuckiana." We get it all. When I visit my sister in Florida I mourn the deciduous trees we have up here and the Fall color. I love being able to experience the season, even though the older I get the more I dread winter coming on. It's always so nice, though, even after a hard winter, seeing those first signs of spring.

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