Wednesday, April 6, 2016

E is for Europe

In 1993, Momma and I took a trip to Europe.
It was her first time, my second.
We bought EuroRail passes and went from Rome to Madrid
then down to Gibraltar and Malaga.

Here she is in Spain.
I think it's one of my favorite pictures of her on the trip.
Her conservative nature was sorely tested on our first trip to the beach.
She just didn't know where to look.
She asked how they could just "run around like that."
I explained that women often went topless in Europe at the beach,
and men didn't wear swim trunks like in the States.
They wore swim briefs.

Poor, Momma.
She learned a lot about different cultures on that trip.
But then, she was the one who always told me that it was
important to travel because 
"to truly understand people
you have to know where they come from, and
you should travel to see that not everyone does things the same way
so that you don't go around thinking your way is the only way.'


lyndagrace said...

Your Momma is so smart! I guess I would also be a little taken aback after seeing the scantily dressed beach goers.

betty said...

I love it with your mom and the beaches. My mom would have been the same :)

Great memories you made with her I bet on that trip!


The Reelfan said...

What a lovely story, you describes the challenges your mother was facing with kindness and respect. I hope you both enjoyed the trip. Good luck with the challenge!

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