Monday, March 16, 2020

The Final Day

Bring it...

And so it begins....

0340 - I'm up, turning off my alarm for what probably will the last time at this unGodly hour for a while... I've always been a morning person... I prefer sunrises to sunsets... maybe I will enjoy living on the east coast for a while... watching the sun rise on each new day.... hmm....

0505 - "If you're not 10 minutes early, you're 15 minutes late..." So today I was a bit late... distracted at home... futzed around for a while... plus I collected a bag of pens to bring back to the ED... so, yeah, I'm the reason you can't find a pen in this place... btw - Temp 97.3, still good...

0544 - My scribe just sneezed next to me, and after having her wash her hands and her sleeve with hand sanitizer, I realized we were not maintaining social distancing, and I immediately reached for my thermometer... it's like my talisman against the evil humors... maybe I should make her take her temperature... and spray Lysol around her and me...

0555 - The first ambulance comes in with what was described as a "chair throwing, hallucinating, psychotic patient that might be going through alcohol withdrawal..." ok, so let's see how well those blood draws and medication administrations are going to go... the patient seems calm... for the moment...

0630 - This I will not miss... breakfast at the hospital. The most excited I can get about breakfast are the days they have a country fried (I think it's) chicken patty... of course, the last time they had that, it was on a Friday... during lent... yeah

0645 -  The calm psychotic patient no longer is calm... here's to hoping they don't go psychotic

0710 - Called to the ICU to intubate a patient that's not breathing very well. Medications drawn, RT's in order, tube goes in, and it's back down to the ED where...

0727 - The psychotic patient has gone totally psychotic in my absence... so now they're being put in restraints and given medications to put them to sleep...

0730 - I take a bite of my now-cold breakfast and am told that I patient with a chainsaw injury that I spent almost an hour sewing back together has come back. The wound looks like it's starting to heal as expected. I am pleased with the result, as hopefully is the patient...

0800 - I'm trying to eat breakfast again

0810 - Complete pandemonium has commenced and all of the psych patients are now in 4 points and receiving medications... hoping the din in the ED diminishes... someone's going out for coffee... we're girding our loins people...

0830 - I attempted to eat my completely cold breakfast. That did not go as planned as I was being constantly interrupted for psychotic patients, triaging who gets tested for COVID based on symptoms and travel history, signing EKG's... the usual ED work stuff...

0850 - Temp 97.8 - still good

0916 - Have completely given up the idea of eating my icy cold breakfast and am instead going to test the limits of my diabetes medication by feasting on some of the apple fritters and donuts one of the PA's brought in honor of my last day... and the coffee finally arrived!

0935 - Finally got a patient out of here after reassuring them that there was nothing wrong within their belly... buh bye....

1002 - The sugar high is starting to kick in... either that or the caffeine in the Dutch Brothers coffee has gone straight to my head because I am buzzing around a department where I really don't have a lot of patients at the moment.... so I keep circling, and talking fast, and taking way too long to explain things...

blood sugar rising...

1035 - I'm discharging a very sweet senior who fell two days ago and is still having pain. They feel much better after the pain medications I gave them. They asked my name and if I was a traveler. When I said I wasn't, they told me "It's great that we have a fantastic doctor in the area" I almost choked up. "Well there are lots of us. Thank you."

1056 - One of our local police officers just brought us a dozen donuts... adding to the six boxes of donuts we already have... Thanks for thinking of us! Hmm... sugar rising according to my CGM... but maybe I need another one....

1130 - Where did the time go...? Temp is 97.8 and I just had to go back into the tent... full precautions... another person screened... so far no positive tests but we'll be getting results over the next several days. I think it's time for another half a donut...

1225 - "I just used a little bit" Yeah... that's why your blood sugar is over 500, you have ketones in your blood, I'm giving you tons of fluid and insulin... and it's not like it's your first time... #MethBeBad

1245 - The nurses are frantically texting and making phone calls to make my every EMS photo dream come true... they secured a fire truck, maybe an ambulance, some police contacts, and one of them, seriously girl, called to see if we could get a helicopter... would have honestly open mouthed French kissed all of them if that had happened...

1302 - Fire truck came and had to leave on a call almost as soon as it got to the back entrance... ambulance crew showed up and we shot a photo with them...

1325 - I checked out all my patients to the oncoming doc... I emptied out my mailbox and packed up my lab coat... Thank you, all, it has been my honor to work with all of you all of these years.

Dr. Bonales, signing off, Humboldt... stay safe out there...


Jeanie said...

You have the patience of a saint. I hope you avoid illness and can enjoy your 6 week break before starting your new job. 💕

betty said...

I am sure you will be missed and will miss many! I'm sure you won't be forgotten or forget many! I'm sure there will be more exciting adventures ahead in your new place! I hope you share them with us!!

In the meantime, well done good and faithful ER physician!!! Congrats on finishing and finishing well!


Lori said...

I decided I needed to come catch up with your former blog, since I kind of dropped out of blogging sight the past three months, and I'm glad I did. This was a great post and loved the pics! I know you are missed there but greatly appreciated in your new home!

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