Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow...?

I've been posting a lot about death recently, so let's try to focus on life...

We've had our home about a year now.  I think I've mentioned before that the prior owners didn't do a whole lot of upkeep.  Here's the main "valley view" area on the side of the house when we first looked at the property...

Once I actually bought the property, I hired someone to start cutting through the mess before we took possession of the house.  See the before and after?  Amazing what one man and a weed whacker can do...

Then hubby got the tractor and the clearing really started.  Wow... opened that space right up..!

Just a few trees left around...

Then even those trees were gone...

Then around May I got my first batch of seedlings started...

And even planted in some box containers on the deck...

Hubby got out the tractor and the disc harrier and started churning up some level land...

Time for fencing against goats, deer, etc...

Seedlings started coming up...

And now look at those lovely rows of corn, turnips, pumpkins, sunflowers.  There's chard and mustard greens.  Even snow peas at the ends of the rows.  My cucumbers and carrots are not doing so well, but they're hanging in there.  It's also amazing how fast the weeds come up..!  It was nothing but dirt when we planted the rows... where did they all come from..?

My little boxes are producing enough lettuce that I haven't had to buy any all summer...

And I get some radishes and small carrots from the other box...

Salad, anyone...?

I can't wait as the season continues and it starts to turn into fall... those pumpkins should be just about ready for Halloween...!


Tina of Moon Shine said...

There is NOTHING like eating from your own garden!

betty said...

Cool garden Veronica!! Great variety of what you planted too!! Enjoy the "fruits" of your hard work!


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The Mid 40's are in the Books

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