Friday, December 17, 2010

Traveling Through Space and Time

Testing out the mobile feature on Blogger since there's no WiFi or dial-up at my mom's house.  Man I hate typing everything on my phone's keypad.

Don't you just love planes? I do. My DH always teases me about gremlins on the wings as that is one of his favorite Twilight Zone episodes.  He's home with the kitties... Too much talk of shopping and errands for him to stand for three days... Although I'm sure he won't complain about the suitcase full of homemade goodies when I get back! Not to mention some other goodies I may or may not have picked up while shopping today...?!?

Ok, have to sign off... Will post soon...

1 comment:

betty said...

hope you have a good visit and time with your mom, Veronica!! Sounds like the goodies brought home to hubby could be very tasty too!!


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