Saturday, October 9, 2010

Give Me Liberty... and I Will Go Everywhere!

I love my Jeep... it's been with me since Chicago and graduation from medical school.  It's traveled from there to Boston.  Back West to Minnesota.  Back East to New York.  And, it has now made it's way West to California.  In fact, we unloaded the Jeep to drive to my mom's house during one of our stops, and I found it very surreal to be driving my Jeep around my hometown.

Now it's up in Northern California, and we are still going on adventures.  I've had the last three days off, and yesterday we took the Thirty Mile Drive to a small town named Petrolia.

Now, most of the drive is along a small, almost single lane highway that takes you from sea level up through pine forests, across pastures, back down to sea level, past rivers, and into broadleaf forests.  But, being the adventurous sorts and loving that I have a Jeep we had to take the not well-traveled path which one of the local storekeepers in Petrolia told us would be worth our while exploring... this should have been our first sign that things might get rough...

However, we pushed forward through pine trees that touched the sides of the car until we came to this...

If you look every closely around the middle of the picture you can see a truck that made the journey before us.  You can sort of make out the road we were going to have to go down... and down we did...
Which allowed us to see this area...

And take pictures like this...

No wonder it's called the Lost Coast... But, with my Jeep, it was an easy find!

Cheers!  As we continue to explore our new place called home...!


betty said...

looks like you are having a great time exploring Veronica!! lots of new things to see I do imagine! sounds like a perfect fit for you and hubby and of course your trusty Jeep :)


Jeanie said...

Oh my! Those are fantastic views Veronica. Well worth the uncomfortable squeeze past the trees in you trusty jeep.
You live in a beautiful area. I hope you will both be very happy there. Fur babies too, of course.
Jeanie xx

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